Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I'll never be slim

Yeap, you heard me right. After starting my so-called diet program yesterday, I'm quitting it already. Heh. You must think I'm a loser, right? Well, think again smart-asses. I was forced to quit. Yes, you heard me. I'm not allowed to continue this program of mine because some people think it's hazardous to my health, that I would get gastric, called me stupid (shit, I so hate that), telling me that I think I'm damn smart and last but not least, telling me that my program would not work. Damn you. How the hell would you know since you forbid me to participate in it. How would you know whether it will work or not since I've only done it for 1 day. How? HOW? HOW?????

And shit if this is not enough, something frightfully important just got broke. Damn. I worked for almost 5 months on it and now it's gone in a few seconds. Worst thing was, he did not fess up~!!!! ARGH~!!!!

Damn today. I hate you today. I hate you March 01, 2005. I hate youuuuuu.....


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