Saturday, March 27, 2004

Study Weekend...

Well, today and tomorrow would be my study week(end) cos I've been practically busy the whole week(days) doing assignments and since I just submitted yesterday, I can then start studying. Nyohohoho... and yesh, I somehow am more keen to study this sem cos of my ugly results last sem.

The thing that kinda bothers me is that how some people, who have the capacity to study (meaning they got the time and the notes and everything needed), they instead say they're lazy to study, they're too tired to study, they don't have the mood to study, etc. For crying out loud, pick yourself up and study for the next 2 weeks or regret it for the rest of next trimester. And everytime I said I do not have time to study, thus I've yet to start, people will go..."I know you study finish liao lah..." Damn these people man. If I studied, I'll tell you I studied. If I have not, then I have not. What's the point in me lying to you? What do I get in return? Sheesh... and yes, I already started studying last night thanks and only started last night thanks to my stupid assignment.

And I do not particularly mean anyone's more of a general thing. But... siapa yang makan cili, dia yang terasa pedasnya....


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