Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'm not lazy

Yeah right. Lol.

Well but in terms of updating, really! I mean I got like 14 pages written down in my notebook when I have free time before classes but I never ever seem to have free time when I'm back at my PC.

And earlier I was wondering whether to shift my blog or not. I mean still using blogger... but a different URL. I thought maybe no cos that would be so much trouble for others. But who knows? Maybe a spur of the moment might change my mind... though I kinda doubt it.

So anyways, right up till end of December there will be super scarce updates from me mainly cos my exam is like around the corner OMG HEEEEEEELLLPPPP!!!!!! And yes I've not studied much (you guys know me lah) so I'm kinda screwed unless I buck up and poke my nose into my books. Why can't they make studying fun? Someone should revolutionize the education world and introduce a new method of teaching where students have a blast when they're learning and at the same time remembering all they learn. I had this idea of incorporating studies into game (cos you tend to memorize a lot from games unintentionally) but I can't quite figure it out yet. If this does happen though, you know you heard it from me :D


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