Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dead net + Victim of a snatch thief

Dead net

So last Saturday at about 10.30pm, my net took a huge fall in speed, putting it to almost a halt. And this lasted for 4 days. 4 freaking days! You know what that meant? That meant 4 days without WoW. Can you imagine? Damn... the thing keeping me sane too... lol. Well in all seriousness, I was bored to shit to do anything. Somehow, the connection stability and speed of the internet is directly linked to the energy I have. So I was too lazy to do anything really. I didn't study, I didn't do the usual house chores, I fell sick, you get the picture. I was like a walking corpse - no life, no purpose, nothing. I ended up re-watching some movies I had, lazed in front of the TV watching whatever movies they had, and slept a lot on the couch while watching TV. I didn't go back home this Raya holidays cos I had a class on the first day of Raya! Can you believe that?? Just because there aren't any Muslims in our extra class doesn't mean they have the right to hold one. What if I have friends or relatives to visit? Bleh... and to make it worse, it was an extended class. From the usual 3 hours to 5 hours. Double bleh! And I didn't go enjoy lunch after class cos I had to rush home to attend a raid so I packed some EXPENSIVE food and left. Why expensive? I think these food vendors shapeshift into cuthroat pirates on festive seasons. I only took half a pack of rice, a chicken wing, and some steamed egg. You know how much it costs? RM3.50! Like omg wtf? The wing was not from some mutated gigantic chicken. It was as scrawny as ever! And how much can egg cost? Well that's the last they'll get my money... I'd rather walk a little further and buy from another stall. More choices and slightly cheaper. Just.... have to walk a little further... sigh.... lazy!

Victim of a snatch thief

These are pictures of my poor bag which was torn apart when the asshole on the motorcycle tried to snatch it off me. May it rest in peace. =(


  • Isk...kesiannyer..

    May the bag rest in peace. :(

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:07 pm  

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