Sunday, September 14, 2003

Belly-rings are cool. Though I'm not getting one. Hehehe....followed Rita for a quick drive to Mahkota Parade and back to get her replacement belly-ring. If you're wondering, it does look painful. Maybe the reason I'm not getting one. And also the fact that I will be killed by my mum for that.

Nothing juicy except someone asked me to be his girlfriend. Hehehe....and I have not even met him. Types of people the internet conjure these days. Sigh... *rolls eyes* I don't see how people can ask someone to be his/her girlfriend/boyfriend without even meeting them in person. Though *snigger* *snigger* when I gave him my photo....I got a compliment. Nyuk nyuk nyuk... perasan lah tu.

Well, almost had to break my promise to some people of not being able to come online tonight but in the end, plans to yam cha have been cancelled so most likely I will be around to chat. That is, if I'm not needed elsewhere (and there are people who message me ~ ya, I seldom message people first so bear with me)

My apologies to these people (if you do read my blog):
- Lai Ching (sorry I typed those words)
- How Zan (said change to Yahoo but then I cabuted to MP)
- Huwi Yin (always unable to chat with you)
- Raelynne (not being able to help you out the past 3 days)
- Dad (who just came in and scold me for having a messy room)
- Any others who I've forgotten....can't think of anymore right now.

Don't ask me why I'm typing this for the whole world to see....I'm not myself today, I'm crazy and I'm weird. And I feel people are being mean to me today also. So, I'm sad too.


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