Friday, January 07, 2005

Happy? Happy? Happy~! XD

Heh...wondering why I'm kinda happy? Well, cos I kinda feel I'm getting my best boy-friend back. XD And I'm liking it soooo much. And get this, not love, ok? For one, he already has a girlfriend. For another one, I don't have those kinda lovey dovey feelings for him. It's just that I'm very very happy we are as close as we were about 2 years ago. I wonder if there's anything to do with the testimonial I wrote for him. Hehehehe.... anyways, glad to have him back, glad to get back my best boy-friend and glad to be somewhat teleported to the past a little.

I'm also happy cos I'm trying my best to work hard and get my grades up this time around. I have actually gone to the library two nights this week. Whether I'm doing tutorial, finding some books for assignments, studying the wrong thing (yes, I'm blur enough to study the preface of a book), studying a few pages in a whole hour, enduring some idiot laughters and noise-makers, it was nice being in the library. At least I know I'm not stuck home playing Lineage or watching anime or doing something unbeneficial.

Well, today I'm happy again because I saw my cute prince when attending the Christmas presentation - Nights of Celebration: A Time To Love - and it was not only for a short period of time. I think at least 15 minutes I managed to catch glimpses of him. ^_^ Very happy for that. Found out....well, kind of... that he has a girlfriend (or what looks to be his girlfriend) but I could not be bothered the least cos I don't have any attractions to him. to look and drool at him. XD Speaking of's been long since I last fell for a guy (minor crushes counted) and I somehow don't feel any different or more lonely or more desperate or anything. Perhaps I'm already ready to be living alone in future years. :) So it does not really matter to me I guess. Though.... I might take it up if something (someone) does come up.

And then I thought of something else to type.... about how I would actually love to get a surprise or an invitation or a secret admirer or someone who notices specific stuffs or something. Hahahaha.... it's kinda hard to explain those in words but I've just posted some scenarios for better understanding. ^_^

Surprise - Someone would remember a special date or just to make a special visit to me and surprise me. Basically any normal surprise which I would really not expect. It would be really shocking and... perhaps I might even cry? LOL.

Invitation - Sure would be glad if someone I know who I'm ok ok with or someone I don't know who is a friend's friend of some sort invites me to a prom. Muahahaha.... how nice it would be. XD psst...hint...hint... Impressions =P

Secret admirer - Giving secret messages or secret presents which does not go to the extent of making me fear him. Hahahaa... very nice feeling.... what more if that person knows what I wanted to buy but is not willing then he goes and buy it for me. I'll feel bad and guilty and all but also happy. =P

Noticed - Thought of this earlier and it would actually be very nice if someone were to notice you even though you're complete strangers and maybe drop a note or something. Uwah~! Makes you feel so nice and happy, ne? For example, I support someone because of his/her talent and he/she notices that I'm always there as a supporter then maybe comes and hand me a note thanking me and maybe invite for a drink or something. Sugoi ne~! =D

Ah well....I can dream, right? And I need to be heading to dreamland now anyways. +_+ Stupid 8am class.


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