Sunday, March 13, 2005

Dunno what title

Dunno what to post also. Feel like posting but got no idea what to post about. Errr.... yay I leveled up my Lineage character after like a month stagnant. +_+ Errr... what else? Yay I spent like 1 whole hour this evening combing my wig, only to get 1/4 done (it's so tangled +_+ ). Yay there was a blackout earlier this afternoon (umm... yesterday afternoon actually) and it lasted for like 1 hour plus so I suffered like hell without my internet and PC. Took a really long bath cos it was freaking hot too. Yay tonnes of assignments to do and only 2 weeks left before due dates. Yay 2 weeks to Cyber Anime Week yet I'm hardly prepared for it. +_+ Yay the end.

*Lase to self: Oh my god it's like 4am right now. Sleep dammit >_<


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