Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Okies....back to blogging as usual now...I guess I've done too many quizes anyways. :p Yesterday was not such a great day for me....aih.... went all the way to campus in the morning (I did not have any morning class but still woke up early to get my butt to campus) to find for Dr. Goh (need approval on club working papers) and to head off to STAD. Unfortunately, Dr. Goh was not in and Mr. Syukor was on medical leave. So, basically my trip there was just a waste of time....bleh.

Then later after my afternoon class, we went to check our Principles of Marketing (the one where I said it was not that bad considering how much I actually studied for it) marks and well, I failed. third time failing my mid term paper. And if my prediction is correct (or rather...following the trend/tradition), I'll fail my Public Sector Accounting mid term as well. Why do I say so? Cos the first mid term paper I failed was Introduction to Cyberpreneurship and the lecturer was Mr Hishamuddin. Second was Accounting Information System. Lecturer, Ms Zauwiyah. This paper was also by Mr. Hishamuddin and guess what? Public Sector Accounting is by Ms. Zauwiyah so if everything goes smoothly (Lase to self: Smoothly you call it? Wanna die ah?), it will be failing Mr. Hishamuddin's paper, then Ms Zauwiyah, then Mr. Hishamuddin and the next, Ms Zauwiyah. Nice, ne? (Lase to self: Nice? Wanna die ah?) This is bad, real bad....I hate this trimester!!!! *screams*

Ah, forget about that. Genki genki. The EMiNA members gathering last night was nice. Totemo tanoshii desu yo. It was only a few of us but it was cool. (literally too) What more I have already chosen a character to cosplay next, thanks to Farah and Juaina. :D As usual, Ee Lin and Shu Yin were like discussing together with the three of us but in the end decided not to cosplay. Aih...T_T Note to self though....bring a bottle of water for the next members gathering. :p All the laughing and giggling makes one thirsty.

Later on, Yong a.k.a. Hale-kun came along. Passed him some cds and the teasing stated. hard feelings, ya? Anyway, it was sad when I found out that his laptop was not under warranty (the damaged part anyways) and he had to change the whole motherboard as the damaged part is inter-connected. And it costs a whopping RM400!!!! Man, I feel even more guilty now. :( Urgh.... (Ne, Hale-kun...*pulls baju* Dou?)

After meeting was the hicomms meeting which lasted for an hour and we got a new nickname for Baha!!!! Everyone must know about this. Spread the words. Hahaha....well, Ee Lin came up with this thing that EMiNA presidents need to follow suit of the first.....getting their own Card Captor Sakura names. So she went and told me I am Sakura. Syaoran is obviously taken by Rizal so we ended up calling Baha .....Kero. name, ne?

Well, after the meeting, Ee Lin and I were feeling extremely hungry (cos we ate dinner at 4.30PM) so we decided to go to Cahaya Dinar for mee kari. Alisa called me when we were on the way to the carpark and she wanted to ask me out for yam cha. What a coincidence. we met her there. Alisa didn't want to order any food at the very beginning but since we were ordering, she also followed suit and ordered maggi goreng. Somewhere while chatting and eating, Alisa messaged me (she kinda typed the message on her phone and passed it to me to read lah....tak kan wanna waste Tidus. :p) saying that the guy in black behind her is cute. But his back was facing hers so I can't see either. I was wondering how she knew...when she told me that she saw him before. desu ne. Anyways, after paying, we headed back to the car and I just casually turned my head back to look at that guy. "Not too bad," I told Alisa. Hehehe...Ee Lin and Alisa were shocked I of my actions. Look only mah....I kinda told them.

Today I woke up early as well cos I did not inform my dad that I did not have any tutorials this morning so I got his morning call. (didn't intend to tell him anyways else I'll always be up so late....wanna stop being such a lazy bum) I was in the shower when my phone rang....of all times, Kok Ee could not have chosen a better time to phone me. Aih... (I knew it was him cos of the different ring tone setting) Though I wondered why he called cos he was suppose to be on his way to tutorial....I can only think that he would be late so wanted to ask me to give him a lift to campus (which is most unlikely so cos he wouldn't kacau me for something like that unless it's urgent ~ so it's got to be that he wanna follow me for the 12 PM class ~ meaning he skipped his tutorial). Anyhow, right after my bath I called back and my guess was right...he skipped tutorial so was asking me whether to have lunch together or not. So, at about 11.10PM, I went out to fetch Kok Ee and Ee Lin and we went for lunch. My lunch was cheap. :D RM1.80 chinese tea RM0.20 so I spent only RM2.00 :p

Class was boring as usual. Not that I gave any attention to it anyways. After class, we wanted to ask the lecturer something so we waited for the rest to go out. me kiasu...I did not want any other group to do the same style of report that I had in mind for my group. group. Mine, mine, mine. Hehehe....hey, it's not me who decides to become the leader. They decide so they're mine to control. Nyahahaha......kidding to those groupmates who are reading this. (How Zan and Huwi Yin: Stop thinking about the kissing thing, ok? :p) We (Diana, Amelia, Ee Lin and myself) had a fun time chatting there....while waiting. Hahahah...all the jokes and actions we did. Really gave us a stomach ache from all the laughing.

After class we headed to the mosque square cos we wanted to check out on the buka puasa stuffs selling there. Bought food back home and also cendol. Yummy....but they put in too much ice...hard for me to drink. Still, it tastes nice. =) And now me here. Going off later to meet up with Jin and maybe go to SPR for a while to grab some papers from Ross. Hope he's in.

Till tomorrow or the day after....or anytime I'm free and feel like typing....ja ne.


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