Sunday, March 28, 2004

Studying is fun!!

Wahhh.... I did not know I can actually enjoy studying... well, with the exception of studying maths or economics. And now.... after long search (konon lah tu), I found another subject to my interest - Law. Hahahaha... to those who said law is boring... they've never met my lecturer before. But even if I did not, I find the subject itself to be pretty entertaining actually. Hmmm.... why didn't I take Law last time??? Oh ya... cos everyone said that you need to be good in "Sejarah" to take law. And they are so wrong. If I knew that law would be this 'fun', I might have taken a career in it. Hahaha... but then again... maybe not. :p

Yesterday, my grandma was discharged out of the hospital and from what I heard, all the other patients there wished her well, said their goodbyes and her room mate even cried.... or was it that my grandma cried? I'm not sure but her room mate was quite sad I think. And now her dinner would be the normal hospital food without any extra dishes (cos when my mum brings extra dishes for my grandma, she'll give some to the room mate). She's really not a bad person and I somehow have no idea why she's there. I mean besides the fact that her children is not able to care for her, thus sending her there. Cos... I don't think a person can be that sick just cos of asthma (sp?), right? Or can they? Hmmmm....


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