Wednesday, May 04, 2005


T_T My StreamyX died last Friday. OMG of all days~!!!!!!! It can't have chosen a better day than to go down on Friday. Why Friday? Why? Why? Is this my punishment or something? T_T T_T It can go down for a week starting Monday for all I care. As long it was not Friday. Sigh....

Been wondering why I'm so upset? Well, the main point would be me losing my chance of getting new weapons and armour for free. You see, Lineage II was celebrating it's anniversary and there was that chance that I would be able to get myself a new pair of clothes and a new weapon also (since I've been saving to get them anyways) but noooooo.... StreamyX has got to die on Friday. And what more, it lasted till today. And the contest ended on Monday. Sheesh man. Bye bye free weapon. Bye bye free armour. GAH~!!!! I'm still freaking pissed at this incident. Imagine 5 days without Streamyx. 5 BLOODY DAYS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD~!!!!


On a side note, I started my training and... yeah, I'm a workaholic so I'm enjoying it. It's a little boring but it beats studying. Heh, I even stayed back an extra 1.5 hours today to help my colleague even when I did not have to. Can I just marry someone rich and eat and sleep everyday at home? LOL. Guess my dreams to remain lazy for the rest of my life will never come true, ne? :p Ah well, people can always dream...

On another side note, CosMas is cancelled so I'm just gonna concentrate on attending Karnival Mesra Melaka next month.... which I'm far from prepared. Gah~! Can I like bring my props and do it during work? Kekeke....


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