Thursday, August 02, 2007

New hairstyle **SNAP**

Cos my noob family is soooooo keen on seeing my new hairstyle.....


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That's taken on the day I got it cut. So it's all straight and nice cos they washed, cut, and blow dried it. Plus, they also kinda straightened it =P That's why it looks straighter than usual.

A different look... still the long hair but now with bangs and much more layer. I LOVE the layers cos it feels so light and if the wind blows.... mmmm... nice XD Only slack part is that it was rather expensive. But you know what they say... Price reflects quality!

PS: I'm not sure how long till I find the bangs annoying cos they poke my eyes. And I'm lazy to pin it up. So nyeh! =P


  • :o Hai. Boleh saya berkenalan dengan saudari? XD You look great!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:59 am  

  • look awesome XD XD XD...niceness!

    By Blogger Volvoxx, at 4:23 am  

  • add sunglasses, preferably large one, on sunny days.. teh win! XD try try

    just use it on the head, like a fashion XD

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:53 pm  

  • Coool. new hair cut huh. Nice but that kind of hair cut I have been seeing it alot lately. Is it somewhat of a trend or something? :P

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:51 am  

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