Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Why does it rain when I go to KL?

It happened once, and it happened again on Monday. Sigh.... lucky we only went to Times Square so we can take the monorail to Hang Tuah and change to the LRT and head to Plaza Rakyat to head back to Pudu. Rain and all, it was rather fun and I bought 3 tops and some handphone keychains. Saw a shop there which I think How Zan should buy his T-shirts from cos they have all those funky wordings and all. They were hillarious. XD Bought some posters for EMiNA and then we headed back our seperate ways. Did not manage to find anything extra for my Goth costume but I think I have enough already. Now waiting for my parents to go out of the house so I'll be alone and will be able to test out which costumes would be best. I'm seriously hoping there won't be any mid terms or any events on the 30th of October else I won't be able to attend the party and I would be very disappointed. Oh...and I might be able to get someone to go with me to the party ^^ Since my cousin was rather interested in it but she knows nothing on cosplay or anime. Wahh....hope she can go. Then at least I won't be alone there and at the chances of my mum allowing us to go will be higher. Hoping my brother will be free as well cos he has to teman me up to KL and also to teman me to the place and back. XD CosMas and Comics Fiesta will be during the holidays so I'm not sure whether EMiNA will be sending a bus.... if not, sigh...have to go myself again... Hope to stay with someone who will be attending the events so it would be easier for me.... problem is, I'm not sure who's gonna go. +_+ This is bad. Dillema...


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