Friday, July 01, 2005

Unscheduled returns

Is recovering from a bad headache

Wow I'm back early today. Considering yesterday I left the office at 7.15pm, today's 5.40 can be considered early. XD I had a huge headache this morning, almost giving me the feeling of throwing up (which I would actually do it if it were to happen - read my previous posts) but thankfully there was lime juice. Went out for lunch just for the sake of lime juice, can you imagine. No choice. Canteen does not sell any. Anyways I'm recovering now thanks to Doris' pill (go go our pill supplier ;p ) and not feeling like throwing up thanks to my lime juice. I'm hungry though. Hahaha...

Updates on:

- Japanese guy XD XD XD *swoons* So handsome but.... T____T
- Mei Yin's last *wails* :(
- Photo posts coming~!!! Wai~! ~~\(^@^)/~~

Japanese guy XD XD XD *swoons* So handsome but.... T____T
Uuugggguuuuuu..... The Japanese guy I blogged about a few posts back came to meet Doris again. Nyaaaaa..... he's so handsome. *drools* But only got to see him like 20 seconds in total. Nyuuu... unfair. :( :( :( :( T___T And he'll be going back to Japan in 9 months time so hopefully he visits more during my training or my eyes will be deprived of some washing. *sniggers* Did I mention how handsome he is? *swoons* Too bad I found out some bad news about him. No, he's not gay or something like that. He's married actually. GAH!!!!! I tell you, life is just so unfair. Every guy I drool about it most likely married, attached or younger than me. Why can't I just get a super droolable guy who likes me? Again, I'm crapping cos no super droolable guy will ever like me cos they got better girls to use their charms on. Still, eye wash is good. XD XD XD

Mei Yin's last *wails* :(
Yesterday was Mei Yin's last day at work. T_T Having the same perangai, she was such a good friend who I really felt I've known her for at least a year (fact: I've only known her for about 2 months). We still keep in touch and would probably meet up and all but life without her in the office would be a little different. I doubt there will be much stomach-aching laughters or the name-teasing anymore. It was super fun when it lasted though. I even felt her presence today... like hearing her call me, seeing her walk pass my cubicle, hearing her laugh behind my cubicle, talking to her on the phone.... no wait. That actually happened today. XD She gave a call to us but we would not talk long. Still, we miss her. Take care Mei Yin and don't forget us. You can always ta pao for us lunch you know? :p

Photo posts coming~!!! Wai~! ~~\(^@^)/~~
I got loads of photos transfered from my camera (ehem... my dad's camera) to his PC so I'll upload them perhaps during the weekend if I'm free (need to resize also cos too big) and have some photo posts. Posting words all the time can be quite boring no? Heh, and also cos I wanna show off some stuffs and have fun photo-blogging.

Ooohh.... dinner just arrive..... (10 seconds later).... not. Dang, the stall did not open. Guess I got to go out to grab it. Chao~!

Oh, and... don't think there's any preview for the next blog post so just watch out for it. ^_^

"Like rain, tax. After lightning the thunder claps. Sooner or later it had to come true. Like rain, tax. Weeds grow up through the pavement cracks. You see what I want, what I want is you.... it had to be you..."


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