Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A New Year, A New Blog Post, and A New Haircut

To the utmost joy of my mum, I decided to cut my hair. She's been complaining that she's sweeping my hair everywhere on the floor.... but meh that's how long hair is. A strand is obviously more obvious than a strand of short hair which is like 8 times shorter. That means for every 10 strands of hair I drop, some other person in my house (or my parents and brother combined) needs to drop 80 strands of hair. And even if they do drop that many strands, shorter strands don't clump up and bundle together to form a little ball-nest of hair on the floor (usually found in corners if the floor isn't swept for more than 2 weeks). So it's always me whose hair is found on the floor and it's always my long hair my mum nags about.

I frankly wouldn't mind shorter hair if I didn't spend money buying clips and pins and chopsticks and scrunchies and all those hair stuff. It'll be cool if I could like change hairstyles whenever I want like those celebrities. One day with extensions, one day curly, one day bald, and then hey there's a wig! So yeah anyways, since Chinese New Year is going to come soon, and cos I know my mum will nag more at me as it approaches CNY to cut my hair, I figured heck let's just do it now. Especially when I had a week off from work.

So taaadaaaaaa......

Old hairstyle: Long makes my face longish. Love this picture taken after my hair's nicely blown with a hairdryer :D

New hairstyle: People say I look younger but it makes my face more chubby T_T

And for the record.... I had 4 people telling me yesterday (Monday) that it's the start of my first week for my new resolution to post more than 2 blogs a week. Meanies! :p


  • The new cut looks good. :) I think it shows more of your face's roundness in that pic, but it doesn't make you look chubby.


    By Blogger Skippy, at 2:38 am  

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