Sunday, October 09, 2005

5 months down the drain

/Is obsessed with her weight

One day.... one freaking day in KL and I've gained back all the weight I lost in the past 5 months. WTF!!! Sigh... life is so unfair. Just like how easy it is to fall sick but to be cured takes a long time. How it takes a second to bleed but a week to heal. How it takes 5 months to lose some weight and ONE day to gain back all I lost. >_< I am very the sad. Sigh.... Ah well, I can only hope that tomorrow the weighing scale will show a little lower than it did a few minutes ago. No mood to workout tonight as well (who can have the mood lah you tell me??? ) and I'm dead tired so might as well just sleep it off. Sigh.... Damn depressing sial. will blog about the following later. Today seriously no mood dee...

- Nazrin's birthday BBQ
- Dyeing my hair?
- Hand under butt
- KL trip

"Braaaamm braaam brem braaam braaaaaaaaaam breeeeeeeemmm braaaaaaaaam brraaaaaaam..."


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