Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Yes, you may call me crazy

/Is still awake (this is not good)

Dammit I think it would not be a surprise if there were a "Craziest Kaleido Star fan" contest and I were to win it. I mean, cosplaying aside, what else can you do to show your passion for the anime? Watch episodes over and over again, hang posters on the wall (I don't have any, if anyone's wodnering), collect images till it eats a 250GB HDD (not me, thank you), make KS desktops, draw KS fanarts, etc right? How much more craze can it bring, right?

Simply put, I stood on my right left leg for a whole 15 minutes before I "gave up". Then I went forward to do the same on my right leg. I don't know. It can be just a 'test' to see if it even were possible. It would be me practicing to be a good Sora cosplayer. It can also mean I'm just having a huge ego issue to see if I can do it. 15 minutes might look short but trust me, it's damn bloody painful. And I did not regret doing it. In fact, I might actually do it daily. >____<

I seriously do not have any idea what I want to or think I can achieve by doing this. Maybe build some muscles and tone the leg, which is a good thing considering I'm like obsessed with getting 'lighter' nowadays. Speaking of which, I think I can last longer if I'm lighter since the feet would not hurt as much due to the weight.

I'll just let time tell. And this 'let time tell' thing leads me on to another personal issue where I think I got over it. Maybe it was just me being overly "perasan" about certain cases. Who knows? I will let time tell and in the meantime, not think about it to the extent of going crazy.

Sora cosplay update: Almost done with "Casual Clothes No. 1". Will post pictures of the clothes/costume if I have time/remember. Might just post it at MMU's Cosplay Blog. ^_^

"The sun.... has gone... to bed and so must I.... so long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, goodbye... goodbye.... goodbye... goodbye... goodbye."


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