Monday, November 17, 2003

I'm so bored of studying so I decided to post a short post. And I did some cd cleaning just now and found out that 5 cdrws of mine are missing. 5!! Who did I borrow them to and did not return them back? Man....5 x RM5 = RM25... I hope those who took my cd return time. At least inform me that they'll return late or something, right? *cries* And now I found out that Discrete Structure for those Beta IT taking it was easy. Man...I'm hoping tomorrow's paper would be as easy.

Exam sucks

Why are there exams?
To torture and torment my soul
Why need I study?
I'm doing cos that's what I'm told

Did you ever think
Who created exams?
Cos it only makes us crazy
And always shouting 'damn!'

I bet the only person who loves exams is
Those who don't need to mug every day and night
It's all right for them cos they're just plain smart
Oh, why can I be like that, and just win the fight

Still I'm no one special
I'm just like you
Mugging and mugging
Having exam blues

Feeling guilty when you take a rest
Even worse when you end up sleeping
And here I can still blog and not study
Guess I better end here else I'll be failing


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