Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Today has been such a tiring day for me and it made my head spin also. I think it's cos of the heat. It's so bloody hot nowadays in Melaka. Urgh.... Will you guys start planting more plants in your houses? And use less air cond during the nights. And stop open burning. The heat is really killing me (I'm not sweaty or anything but my head hurts) and what more, I was wearing a yukata just now. Not that hot actually cos I was in an air-conditioned room but if I were to be like that in the sun, I think I would have fainted.

Met a lot of people when I was wearing the yukata and it was a little embarassing but fun also. Kekekeke....I think the first person to spot me with my yukata (not including those in my class ~ yeah, I wore that to class also ~ and not including those in the main hall during the event) would be Thye Shin. Too bad I was talking to Lawrence else I would have ran away. :p Saw How Zan but I don't think he saw me. Kekeke...good also. Or not kena kutuk some more. And I went to eat lunch with Huwi Yin at Plaza Siswa in the yukata also. Kekeke...should have seen the looks on 3 of my classmates' faces. They did not see me in class cos I was sitting at the back. :p

And for the first time in my history, I've skipped 2 classes in one day and they're both tutorials. Feeling a little bad but I cannot tahan already. This time....give exemption. Kekeke... will blog more about the other events I mentioned last night that I was going to blog later. :)


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