Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Today's a frustrating day. Well, it's a frustrating night actually cos the day was pretty much ok. And they were having the EEP carnival thingie today and I got to eat the taiwanese sausage thing (which I still think the one they brought in campus and sold is chicken and not pork) and it costs the same. :D So, why was it a frustrating night? Well, I had a quiz just now so I was busy studying and all....and the quiz was miraculously quite easy though a little tricky. And then we proceeded to the internal accounting quiz for the selection of those who will represent MMU to participate in the Inter Varsity Accounting Quiz (IVAQ). So there I was doing it, hantam-ing those which I totally have no clue of but I was not really going to just throw in the towel (though I don't really wanna represent MMU for the competition). At least I can say I tried my best, right? Instead of just taking it like it does not mean anything and just taking it sambil lewa. But I made a point to try my best for each question which involves calculation. So there I was, left with one question, and about 45 minutes to go. Spent about 15 minutes trying to come up with the answer but I still could not get it. And then I thought I should tikam it and tikam it with a little bit of intelligence. And so I did and submitted my paper. And since those marking are my friends (yes, they were marking it there and then), I asked for the answer for that question. And I got wrong. I did not mind though. But when we went into the lift and reached ground floor, something hit me. I told my friend I'll be back in 2 minutes, rushed up, asked to see that question and took out my calculator. And there it was....the answer staring at me directly. How could I be such an idiot. :( I know that there are no marks for doing this internal quiz but the fact that I spent 15 minutes on it when I could have gotten the answer a lot easier if I had looked at it in another perspective. Quite certain I will not sleep well tonight. *cries*


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