Sunday, February 15, 2004

We had a meeting today regarding the EMiNA Cosplay Competition 2004 (6th March if you forgot) and I can see that this time, the planning is waaaaaaaay better than the first. And also, we are very early to start preparing everything....maybe except for certain things which we are waiting for confirmation from the specific departments.

There were only a few absentees so we basically had majority when voting for certain tasks to be done when and everything likewise. Oh, and I saw Shu Yin's beautiful fanarts which made me drooool sooooo much. Ano kakkoi no otoko no e wa hoshi desu.... (I want that drawing of the cool guy) We (Diana, Thye Shin, Lai Ching, Alisa, Ee Lin and me) headed off to Jaya Jusco after that for some early dinner at Windmills and then later for a little shopping. Looks like the gloves Thye Shin wanted to buy was not suitable and the spray paint we wanted to get was waaaaay too expensive. >_<

A little more shopping and we went our seperate ways back home.


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