Sunday, March 28, 2004

Death Test

Took this test to see when I'll die. Hohohoh... got this url from Xelloss-sama through friendster.

Mark your calendar or Palm V. You can expect to die on:
November 4, 2068
at the age of 85 years old.

On that date you will most likely die from:
Cancer (49%)
Suicide (15%)
Alien Abduction (6%)
Drowning (5%)

Hohohoh...stupid test, ne? But kinda interesting. ^_^

Studying is fun!!

Wahhh.... I did not know I can actually enjoy studying... well, with the exception of studying maths or economics. And now.... after long search (konon lah tu), I found another subject to my interest - Law. Hahahaha... to those who said law is boring... they've never met my lecturer before. But even if I did not, I find the subject itself to be pretty entertaining actually. Hmmm.... why didn't I take Law last time??? Oh ya... cos everyone said that you need to be good in "Sejarah" to take law. And they are so wrong. If I knew that law would be this 'fun', I might have taken a career in it. Hahaha... but then again... maybe not. :p

Yesterday, my grandma was discharged out of the hospital and from what I heard, all the other patients there wished her well, said their goodbyes and her room mate even cried.... or was it that my grandma cried? I'm not sure but her room mate was quite sad I think. And now her dinner would be the normal hospital food without any extra dishes (cos when my mum brings extra dishes for my grandma, she'll give some to the room mate). She's really not a bad person and I somehow have no idea why she's there. I mean besides the fact that her children is not able to care for her, thus sending her there. Cos... I don't think a person can be that sick just cos of asthma (sp?), right? Or can they? Hmmmm....

Saturday, March 27, 2004


Urgh.... I saw some show on TV just now and I was kinda screaming throughout the show. Well, not those screams in horror or what... but... I just knew I was screaming or shouting or something. Well, it was something about breast cancer and they actually showed an operation of the breast, cutting away the infected part. And it was.... gross. >_< With all the blood oozing out when they use the knife and cut... and the scissors to cut the capillaries (sp?) also. And you can actually see yellow stuff which I concluded it to be human fat. And... and... after they cut the thing out, it looks so horrible and they had to include that poor guy's nipple also. >_< I swear if I get breast cancer.... >_< (touch wood) I hope to find it at an early stage so I only have to go for the ray thingie to kill the cells. Not that bad as compared to an operation for sure. T_T I hope I dun get any sickness which requires me to be in hospital... I dun wanna get poked everyday to test my blood, and they poke the drip thing also... and so many other check-ups. +_+

And the more I watch Sailormoon, dammit the more I think Usagi and I are twin sisters in attitude. Damn!! But no, I do not look like her. Just my attitude... I guess I can relate to that rabbit girl. Arghh.... dunno what made me think about this...but I just do. Somehow, I do. Thankfully however I find our attitudes similar... nothing else. Cos I don't wanna flop in my studies. And I do study so... hahaha... *phew* Y_Y Why did I think about this all of a sudden? I have no idea.

Rrrrooaarrrrr...... >:)

Study Weekend...

Well, today and tomorrow would be my study week(end) cos I've been practically busy the whole week(days) doing assignments and since I just submitted yesterday, I can then start studying. Nyohohoho... and yesh, I somehow am more keen to study this sem cos of my ugly results last sem.

The thing that kinda bothers me is that how some people, who have the capacity to study (meaning they got the time and the notes and everything needed), they instead say they're lazy to study, they're too tired to study, they don't have the mood to study, etc. For crying out loud, pick yourself up and study for the next 2 weeks or regret it for the rest of next trimester. And everytime I said I do not have time to study, thus I've yet to start, people will go..."I know you study finish liao lah..." Damn these people man. If I studied, I'll tell you I studied. If I have not, then I have not. What's the point in me lying to you? What do I get in return? Sheesh... and yes, I already started studying last night thanks and only started last night thanks to my stupid assignment.

And I do not particularly mean anyone's more of a general thing. But... siapa yang makan cili, dia yang terasa pedasnya....

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Stop calling me!!!

Waaahhhh..... why is everyone calling me today? And worst part is, calling me to ask me questions about subjects I have yet to study. Heck, I've not even started on one subject. Whoever thought that fixing the due date of the assignment on the last day gives you more time to do it is really stupid. We got time to do it but no time to study for our finals. Yeah, I get the 'why not start earlier' crap from people all the time. Well, why did they drag the mid term so long? And a week after that was my cosplay competition and then we started on the assignment already.

Sometimes I wonder....why do I give such a damn about the assignment so much? I mean I'm always busy editing other people's work and hardly have enough time to do my own part. I know of groups who just divide and then compile...without editing it or making sure the flow is ok and such. Why do I bother then? I see some who don't really care about their assignment, causing them to get lower marks than I but they have more time to concentrate on their studies, causing them to offset the marks there.....maybe even more also. >_<

And why am I wasting my time here whining about this when I should be doing the assignment? Well, I'm so totally fed up with it and I also need my own time to relax, ok? And I can't consider this to be relaxing but more like releasing my tension. Seriously... I never thought editing could be a killer. If you were to see all the pieces of paper after my'll faint. (Perhaps I'll try to take a photo of it one day...or something) But if that day does not come, try to imagine me printing out the parts to edit on pieces of paper... white A4 paper... and after editing, the amount of white on the paper would be 50%, another 25% is black due to the printing and the other 25% would be in red. My red ink cancelling stuff, re-writing stuff, etc. I'm looking at one now so.... you should see the amount of lines running across the printed words. Countless I tell you, countless. >_<

Aih....better stop now. Already 5 minutes down the drain when I took my dinner, another 5 minutes here. I think I wasted enough time already. Back to the editor's chair... T_T *cries alone*

I'm a bitch! Hell Yeah!

Holla with me if you think I'm a bitch nyo~!

After something happened this morning, I'm beginning to think I'm becoming bitchier and bitchier with each passing day. Dunno when I started become so bitchy and I pity those who experience my bitchiness. >_< A huge apology to those I've caused suffering and pain and grief due to my actions. Now that I know how bitchy I am, I'll try my best to rectify this, ok? Sooorrrrryyyyy..... Y_Y

On a side note, I got my high score down to 27 seconds for intermediate nyo~! I'm talking about Minesweeper again. The only simple game which can make me play it for hours non-stop. ^_^

Wednesday, March 24, 2004


Nyohohohohoho...I've been playing Minesweeper level expert for too long that I forgot there was the beginners level and intermediate level. So what do I do? Hahah... obviously upon remembering it, I play of course. And since my record of beginner's is 2 seconds...which I doubt I can beat anymore, I took upon intermediate. Not knowing my previous high score, I played as fast as I could and got a new high score.... 33 seconds it was but I felt that... if I made that many glitches and got 33 seconds AND a high score, what if I did not do any? So, off I continued playing and after 3 more attempts, I managed to down the time to 28 seconds. For now, that's enough for me so yippie~!! All those expert practices finally paid off. =)

Another IQ test

Go to the above and take the test. I prefer this compared to the one on Fuken's blog cos..... I dunno. Perhaps amongst quite a few people, I so far have gotten the highest. ^_^ And... and... it's damn bloody hard...especially when you come to the last few. You just can't see any pattern there. Oh, and no English kinda test where they ask you the meaning of a word and such. It's all patterns baby.... ^_^

I got 126 by the way. Hope you guys do better....NOT. Nyehahaha... I'm evil.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

IQ Test

Took an IQ Test I got from Traxx's webbie (which was initially taken from Fuken's bloggie) and this is my score.....

Congratulations, Lase!
Your IQ score is 133

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

Nyyyaaaaa.... I knew I was born to be a damn mathematician. It's not natural for someone to just like maths and go high on it, right? Hahaha... too bad mathematicians don't really have a life....and I have no idea where to pursue this career here in Malaysia either. So, best bet for me was sticking to be an accountant instead. :D

Monday, March 22, 2004

New Layout nyo~!

Nyohohoh.... another new layout within just a few weeks. Well, this was cos Masami's Chii and my Freya are kinda like mirror layouts. I prefer calling Masami's blog layout my layout's Gemini and vice versa. (influenced by X ~ nyaaaa.... Kamui-sama.....) To view her layout, click on .:caRRoT KiSS:. at the right hand side of my blog. ^_^

Frankly speaking, I love the other layout Masami created more than this....mainly cos it was blue so when Masami gets bored of her layout (seems that she always does these past few weeks) and changes into one without a Gemini for me (or someone curi that Gemini from me >_< ), then I shall revert back to my other Chii layout. ^_^ Perhaps when I got a lot of layouts next time, I can change them like every week or every fortnight nyo~! :D Oh, and I'll still get to feast my eyes on the blue Chii layout..... nyehahaha... how? Hi-mi-tsu (se-cr-et)

Oh, and before someone shoot me or something, it's not that I hate this layout. I just loved that better. If I rate this 9/10, that would be 10/10. Savvy? ^_^

Friday, March 19, 2004

Frustrated to the MAX!!

Well did you guys miss me or did you guys miss me, eh? =) Or did you not visit my blog for the past week cos you know that there will be no updates? >_>


I'm back for a while now so I' Nyehahaa... I'm kinda crazy today. Pardon me cos I almost did go crazy cos something happened to my modem and I was not able to go online for the past 3 days. 3 days for crying out loud. Arghhh..... What more will all the tension built up in me to release it online for a couple of minutes, only to find out I can't be connected to the bloody line. >_<

Well, I am hell of a pissed actually and perhaps I still am but not as pissed as I was yesterday. Or today morning for that matter. To those who said FBL students are the most relaxed students of MMU, I'll just ask you to go and DIE!!! You DO NOT know how hard it is for us to cope with our studies with all the assignments to do. And the worse part is, sometimes the topic hardly relates to our subject. And we have to do TONNES of research just to answer the topic and read tonnes of articles. So to those mentioned earlier: Shut Up. I do not regret taking this course or anything but DO NOT compare what you're going through with what you assume we're going through just cos you think we're having a much easier time compared to you.

Assignments have really been the killer for the past few days. You do not have to know how hard it was or how many articles I have to read.... or even how many errors I have to deal with while editing for the whole group. All you guys need to know is that I have hardly enough sleep due to these stupid assignments and even I was able to do the assignments, all those editing would have drained me out also. Imagine sleeping at 2.30AM the earliest everyday for the past week. There was once where I was doing it till about 3.30AM and I accidentally slept in the living room. How sad was that? Not to mention this morning. Slept at 4.30AM this morning.... I guess this is my new record of stayed up just to complete the assignment. ARGHHH!!!! That is the only word which can represent how I feel.

And pardon to those who somehow know what and who I am talking about here but this is MY BLOG and I have EVERY RIGHT to whine here as much as I want. (Damn how I wish my boyfriend is beside me now :p) Truth to be told, this is the last straw and I am NOT going to sit around and be bullied anymore. I have already made up my mind to drop out of my assignment group due to extreme pressure. I don't want to be the one working my ass of everytime and letting passengers take away those free marks. And the time used for me to make sure the assignment is perfect would be the time they enjoy themselves or study for finals or just sleep and do nothing. I seriously have had enough of grammatical headache to last me a life time. Even worse, plagarism. My say on this would be, "If I don't mind you plagarising for this assignment, you might as well just highlight the sentences you wanted to plagarise and make my life easier when I PARAPHRASE it." Heck, some people can't even do it properly. They end up with spelling mistakes and they do, although not often, leave out the most important points from the article. *drops dead* I'd rather re-write the parts rather than trying to salvage it. Heck, that WAS what I did and this would mean that I am doing the job of 2 or 3 people PLUS I need to edit the whole assignment also. Dammit if they were to give me that type of work, I might as well just be an editor and that's it. Cos I'll end up doing more than my own part also. An editor is supposed to check grammar and make sure the flow of the assignment is nice. Not re-write certain sections and checking with the textbook, online, articles, etc just to make sure the facts are correct.

Think I better stop here cos I am somehow feeling very hot and I know my blood is boiling. Don't want to be a tomato just yet. >_< But one thing for sure is, I'm not going to keep quite and get trampled on anymore. Last trimester's results were bad enough for me to feel guilty of myself for the next 2 years I'll be in MMU. Enough is enough.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004


I'm Itchy all over the place and it is not helping me at all. Arghhh..... I did not drink any alcohol so why am I feeling so itchy all over. And it does not help when I'm sleeping cos I can't get a good night's rest and even if I did, I end up waking with a lot of scars/bruises all over my body cos of the excessive scratching I subconciously did and it hurts!!! I don't want my whole body to have torn skin all over. >_< *cries* *wails* What am I supposed to do??? Wait? Arghhhh..... might go and see doctor later yo~! :(

Monday, March 08, 2004

Yay! A new blog layout for a new me. Phew.....took so long to fit everything in cos I'm such a dumbass on html codings. Hey, can't blame me cos I only learnt them in Computer Applications class and that was it. >_< Still, am quite proud of the results as I managed to put everything quite in order. ^_^ Thanks bunches to Masami for the layout. Yeah, this is a layout created by her. Hope to make one myself later in the far future. Hahaha... :D

And I'll blog back to usual later, ok? Very busy nowadays and will blog soon but not now. =) Sabar le....

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Goemas is your Vampire name.
You are a dark Vampire who loves all things Gothic.
You present to the world the image of a true
Vampire: devilish, all powerful, mysterious.
To use your new Vampire name and become a Vampire,
go here:

What is your Vampire name?
brought to you by Quizilla