Sunday, October 23, 2005

All Pablo's fault

/Is bitching cos it's Sunday

I visited Pablo's blog. And that ebil ebil ebil Pablo spreaded this instrument of torture to me. >_< Heh, actually I don't normally respond to these stuff cos I just don't... same as how I 'respond' to chain mails and other forwards which says I can die or I can fall in love or something similar. Why am I doing this then? I don't know. Maybe because it was 'given' by Pablo? Could be. So here goes.

Seven Things I Plan To Do Before I Die:
1. Earn real money with a real job and a real pay.
2. Be slimmer than I am now
3. Fall in love
4. Visit Japan
5. Dye my hair blue + pink (or wear a wig like that cos if I dye my hair my mum will kill me)
6. Wear a simply gorgeous evening dress I sew/design myself
7. Tell my loved ones that I wanna be buried and not cremated. ^_^;;

Seven Things I Could Do
1. Stare at my PC from morning till night
2. Not eat anything for the whole day since I wake up till I sleep at night
3. Stay awake more than 48 hours and not feel sleepy
4. Give myself a french manicure (but only on my left hand hahaha)
5. Make sounds of animals/creatures/machines/etc and most sound pretty good
6. Sing (but only in my car)
7. Dance

Seven Celebrity Crushes
>_< So hard... errr.... girls also counted, right?
1. Nicole Kidman
2. Amanda Tapping
3. Richard Anderson
4. Ray Park
5. Viggo Mortensen
6. Ewan McGregor
7. Reese Witherspoon

Seven Most Repeated Words
1. Shit
2. Crap
3. Sial
4. Woi
5. What?
6. Stupid
7. Bloody

(so sue me cos most are curses +_+ )

Seven Traits I Look For In The Opposite Sex
1. Hairstyle which is acceptable (so no baldies please...)
2. Good personality
3. Someone who accepts me for me (and don't give a damn about how bitchy I can be)
4. Someone who shares some interests with me
5. Will not cheat on me
6. Is straight
7. Can drive

(Note: There are more precise answers for this question but I find it a little too personal to post here ^_^ )

Finally the torture has ended! I want to spread this instrument of torture to..

No one because I'm so good you see. Everytime these 'sufferings' end at me XD I am so good I tell ya. Everyone should worship and respect me. XP

"Baby think twice, for the sake of our love, for the memories. For the fire and faith that was you and me. Babe I know it ain't easy when your soul cries out from higher ground. Cos when you're halfway up you're always halfway down"


/Is having stomach discomfort :(

To all my beloved and loyal readers who visit here every now and then even though you know I don't update as often:

I'm taking a break from blogging (or so I say) for a while due to... errr... a very bad reason. A reason so bad, those avid readers will kill me for doing this. I'm taking a break due to Lineage II (please-don't-shoot-me-I-can't-help-it-please-please-please). +______+ It's not often I get this opportunity so I'm gonna focus more time on this game for the time being... until the opportunity ends.

My sincere apologies to whoever is affected by me doing this (Lase to self: Yeah right you think you who leh?) and I promise to be back as soon as I can with pictures (already in my pc) and hopefully more interesting posts.

One thing for sure --> I'll be posting more frequent in December & January. Probably be doing my 5-hour-blogging-streak sometime then as well. Will keep you guys inform when I'm doing that. Probably be a weekend cos weekdays no one will refresh my page over and over again, right? ROFL. (Lase to self: Perasan like anyone's actually gonna read your posts)

Till then.... chao.

"Don't say what you're about to say, look back before you leave my live, be sure before you close that door, before you roll those dice, baby think twice"

Monday, October 10, 2005


/Is waiting for tonight to come

OK so I'm putting those posts-to-be-posted on hold to make way to some quizzies. ^_^ Got this off Pablo's blog so thought I just wanna try it out. Wish me luck~!!!

==10 minutes have passed==

And here are my results:

You Are "Wow"!

John Kerry

What Japanese Smiley Are You?

Yay ~~\(^.^)/~~

Your Blog Should Be Purple

You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.
You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey.
You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say.
What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?

Yay, not that bad a colour. Maybe my next layout would be purple? ^_^ Eto... if I ever get it done that is. LOL. Gave up on plain notepad html, gave up on frontpage. Just downloaded Dreamweaver. We'll see how it goes. :p

In a Past Life...

You Were: A Lazy Warrior.

Where You Lived: North Africa.

How You Died: Dysentery.
Who Were You In a Past Life?

At least they got the lazy part right. XD And I do love being a warrior. ^_^

And I could have stopped after doing the 3 which were in Pablo's blog but I got itchy (as usual) and tried a few more.

Your Blogging Type is Artistic and Passionate

You see your blog as the ultimate personal expression - and work hard to make it great.
One moment you may be working on a new dramatic design for your blog...
And the next, you're passionately writing about your pet causes.
Your blog is very important - and you're careful about who you share it with.
What's Your Blogging Personality?

Hmmmm.... what do you think? :D

Your Hidden Talent

You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.
And while this may not seem big, it can be.
It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes.
You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.
What's Your Hidden Talent?


Your Japanese Name Is...

Kohana Asukai
What's your Japanese Name?

Errr.... okies ^_^

Your Daddy Is Arnold Schwarzenegger

What You Call Him: Daddy Dearest

Why You Love Him: He takes you to Disneyland
Who's Your Daddy?

OMG. He was the person my mind flashed at me and he was the one who appeared. O.o Freaky...

You're a Romantic Kisser

For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance
You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea
The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood
It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet
What Kind of Kisser Are You?


Your Personality Profile

You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!
The World's Shortest Personality Test

Woohoo I'm weird. XD And charming. =P

Your Kissing Purity Score: 74% Pure

For you, kissing isn't a casual thing

Lip to lip action makes your heart sing
Kissing Purity Test

Errrrr.... ^_^;; Just to note, the answers I ticked are kissed to my family members. XD

You Failed the US Citizenship Test

Oops, you only got 3 out of 10 right!
Could You Pass the US Citizenship Test?

All I can say is.... TIKAM~!!!! Muahahahahhaah

Your Brain's Pattern

You have a tempered, reasonable way of thinking.
You tend to take every new idea in, and meld it with your world view.
For you, everything is always changing. Each moment is different.
Your thinking process tends to be very natural - with no beginnings or endings.
What Pattern Is Your Brain?

It's round!!!! Ok, I promise this was the last one... the rest I won't put up. :p

"I wanna be with you, if only for tonight, to be the one who's in your arms and hold you tight... I wanna be with you, there's nothing more to say, there's nothing else I want more than to feel this way..."

Sunday, October 09, 2005

5 months down the drain

/Is obsessed with her weight

One day.... one freaking day in KL and I've gained back all the weight I lost in the past 5 months. WTF!!! Sigh... life is so unfair. Just like how easy it is to fall sick but to be cured takes a long time. How it takes a second to bleed but a week to heal. How it takes 5 months to lose some weight and ONE day to gain back all I lost. >_< I am very the sad. Sigh.... Ah well, I can only hope that tomorrow the weighing scale will show a little lower than it did a few minutes ago. No mood to workout tonight as well (who can have the mood lah you tell me??? ) and I'm dead tired so might as well just sleep it off. Sigh.... Damn depressing sial. will blog about the following later. Today seriously no mood dee...

- Nazrin's birthday BBQ
- Dyeing my hair?
- Hand under butt
- KL trip

"Braaaamm braaam brem braaam braaaaaaaaaam breeeeeeeemmm braaaaaaaaam brraaaaaaam..."

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Girls + Fashion

/Is still very full

It's good being a girl. Especially when the person attending to you is a guy. =) Of course I can be just the plain perasan person I am thinking about stuff like this but it's cool. XD OK OK.... before I keep people wondering... This was the situation. I was looking around at some cloths and saw one I wanted. Spotted a salesgirl and asked her if she worked there (because I've been there 3 times and have mistaken normal customers for salespeople all 3 times >_< ). I saw her tag, and just asked for confirmation. She said yes, I told her I need some cloth cut. She said, "Ok, hold on", and she called some guy (I've always seen him there and he's the only worker I recognise but she was closer and I thought she could cut but apparently not) and I told him what I wanted. He took really a long time holding the cloth, making sure the edges were ok, making sure the cloth was even. Then he turned to me and said he won't count the first portion of the cloth (since it was poorly cut and there were some writings on that part). I said ok. The portion was clearly 20cm at least but he gave me like 40cm so yay I thought I had some extra cloth. Oh, I wanted 2 metres so that would mean me getting like 2.2 metres (minus the spoil portion). Was already happy. Then he proceeded to measure my 2 metres. And guess what? At the end of the first metre, he gave me like 5cm more, and at the 2nd metre, he gave me like 20cm more. Tell me why I shouldn't be happy? I'm paying the price for 2 metres but getting 2.45 metres worth of cloth. Nyaaa~! Even if I am being perasan by saying this, I'm still saying this. It could be possible due to the way I was dressing or how cute I am. Muahahahaa.... Well, maybe not the cute part. I find my dressing today to be rather nice ^_^ so it could be a possibility. And I acted all girly and all when he was there folding the cut cloth and writing the reciept and I said thank you to him so softly (but loud enough for him to hear) and so politely I'm so not my usual loud self. XD Gonna love my 2.65 metres (including spoilt portion) of cloth. *lets out breath in happy mode*

Speaking of dressing, I've been thinking.... I think my sense of fashion (for my own self) is not too bad. I mean, when I want to dress up of course. No one has to agree on me on this cos... I have my tastes, you have yours. But I really thought about this earlier today and yeah... I think I do have this knack for fashion. It does not have to be branded stuff. Just stuff I like. Which comes to the gorgeous Giordano T-shirt I saw earlier. OMG it's like so cute know? It's pink, and it has Chip & Dale (the chipmunks from the cartoon) on it. It's a normal U-neck T-shirt but the U is black in colour. And it looks so cute!! Would have bought it if I printed money. >_< It costs RM49.90 know? Not willing to pay. Sigh... same goes for my Disney white dress with red threadings. RM73... not willing. I know it's short, I know I won't really look good in it, but you know, I can be that type of person who would just buy clothes they won't wear. Heck, I have more than 5 pieces of clothing I bought just because I think they look cool. Not sure I'm gonna wear that any time soon. Even if I did, it would probably be in my room, in front of the mirror only ^_^;; Alright, back to the main topic.... after thinking about the fashion thing and the not much money to buy those clothes I like thing... I suddenly thought about what the America's Next Top Model contestants say when they were asked "Why do you wanna be the next Top Model?". Being me, I put myself in their shoes and my reply was "Because I so love to try out different clothes and even if I don't own them, having a picture of me in many types of clothes would be super cool, especially those clothes I really love (in my own fashion sense)." Kinda over the top but yeah, that was really what I feel. Sigh... how nice hoh? Damn you Lee Na for getting me hooked to that show. >_< I even took posed pictures of myself with my digicam! Gah +_+

Now allow me to just wonder off dreaming about lovely clothes and cosplay~!

Coming up:
- Nazrin's birthday BBQ
- Dyeing my hair?

"I hope you don't mind... I hope you don't mind... that I put down in words... how wonderful life is, now you're in the world..."

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Too much to blog about...

/Is just back from work

...and I don't know where to start!!! So I'll just post on the usual "long-awaited posts" and then take off from there. Maybe I should choose one day and just sit in front of my PC for like 5 hours and just blog the whole 5 hours. Get everything in my head out and feel damn happy. Problem is... where I got the luxury to waste 5 hours just to blog woh! I usually multitask and even if I'm not multitasking (means only blogging, like right now), to spend 5 hours is asking too much. I'd enjoy it, but the time spent away from Aden/Azeroth (take your pick) and away from my anime and ebay and other online stores is.... quite impossible. Unless it's during the holidays and I dedicate one day for that 5 hours which means I wake up at about 8am and blog blog blog till 1pm. :D Wow. Sounds like a really cool plan... except for the fact that no one would be reading my posts then and after 7 posts, it will be archived. ROFL. Shut with the "you blog for yourself, not for others" crap. I do blog for myself but I ALSO blog for others, friends or visitors. I mean what's the point of keeping a blog when you're hoping no one reads it, right? Or that you're just blogging for yourself and it does not matter if anyone reads it. Crap I say. What's the point having an online blog then? Just type it in your own PC and leave it there. Simple. Since you're only blogging for yourself. Sheesh. Nonsense. So before I take a detour.... I'll pull myself back to my original "mission".

Cute techie guy XD
Nyehahahaha.... seen him a few times dee loh. Damn cute wei. Quite short but damn freaking cute. Looks a little ah beng though. But who cares? He's damn freaking cute and he DID NOT dye his hair. So he's not as much ah beng as those normal ah bengs. ROFL. Guess I don't have to wait for light bulbs to go haywire for him to come. It can be just measuring the ceiling for god-knows-what-they're-gonna-do and I HAPPEN TO BE THERE!!!! Kyyyyaaaaaaa~!!!! We were in the store... it was quiet... it was a little dark.... there was another person there >_< Yeah right... like I'd do anything. I walked pass him and all I did was look down on the floor. Image hosted by Image hosted by Image hosted by Image hosted by Image hosted by Image hosted by OMG got anyone so BODOH or not? Can get closer look but don't want. I hate myself. I hate myself for always being shy towards guys I like or like to see. +_+ Why? Why? Why? *silently hopes no guy she likes read this*

Cute elevator guy quits T_____T
Refering to my previous post .. yeah it's the same guy. >___________< And he's long gone from the company as I post this. BUT!! As if to reduce the impact he would have on my heart (aduhai damn melebih sial), he actually cut his hair 2 or 3 days before his departure. And all of you should by now that I tend to look at people's hair first, right? And I was in love with his hair, right? So you can say that after he cut his hair, I was not that attracted to him anymore. Awwww... why? Was the cutting bad? Did the hair not suit the face? I can't tell (whether the cutting was bad or if it suited his face) because he went and BOTAKKAN his damn blardy head. BODOHNYEEE!!! All my fantasies of the hair just went down the drain. Sigh... bye bye Mr Botak.

Japanese guy!!! Image hosted by Image hosted by Image hosted by
I know his name but I'm not posting it here. Muahahahaha.... To date, after my first post regarding him, I've seen him 3 times, including once today. XD XD To keep it short and sweet, and hopefully without much drooling... The first (out of the 3 times) was when I blogged about wanting to blog about him. Errr... pretty confusing huh? XD Anyways, yeah... that was the time I was practically jumping out of my skin because yes, he is THAT handsome. The next time he came, he dropped from an 11 (out of 10) to a mere 7. T_T Why? Because he cut his danm blardy hair!!! Thank god not botak though. OMG why the heck he so BODOH wanna cut his hair? Screw the hot weather in Malaysia lah. You work in an air-conditioned office anyways, right? GYAAAHHH~!!!! I is the disappointed know. And he went and got darker also I got no idea why so he was less droolable. T_T Damn sad know. Damn damn sad. Sigh.... thinking about it made me sad. And today was the 3rd time. Lucky for me, he lost some 'darkness' and he's rated at 9 today. Still loved his long hair (just above the shoulder, the hair barely touching the bottom of the neck) and will always love that hairstyle. The next time he visits, he better have longer hair. XD I have like 2 months more to look at you, you know? Give me some eye candy lah. >____<

Things I will not post yet....
- Pablo's prezzie (picture post) *halfway through taking the pictures*
- More Kaleido Star (pictures, cosplay and stuff) *still got more :p *

==Mainly due to work in progress... ie, waiting for the pictures XD ==

"If you ask me to, I just might change my mind... and let you in my arms forever... if... you... ask me to..."

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Simply Sucky

/Is wearing a skirt at home (WTH?)

So there we were last night. Finally reaching Simply Pasta (a new shop in Melaka Raya) after making rounds in Lai Ching's car about 15 minutes. The setting of the place was quite ok. The menu looks appealing. We added 2 and 2 together and realized Simply Pasta is a spin-off from Simply Fish. Well, Lai Ching and Alisa did most of the "math" anyways since I've never been to Simply Fish. So I was under the impression this would be quite a nice place since I've heard quite good stuff about Simply Fish (though Lai Ching said it's just a standard OK only).

So there we were. Ordering. The waiter was damn freaking irritating though cos he kept asking us about our orders even though we told him to give us 5 minutes. He asked 4 times, ok? That was a first bad impression. After ordering our food (where I find the waiter still irritating cos he like wanted to make the food sound damn nice though he failed on my ears), we proceeded to drinks and the waiter (yes, that same irritating one) recommended the milkshakes. I had my eye on the jug of ice lemon tea (which is a rather small jug... I so sad know) but the stupid waiter keep saying milkshake, milkshake. Like he was gonna hypnotize me to buy the milkshake or something. Well, let me tell you something Mr Waiter (like he will read this lah), by saying that, you officially ruled out that option on my choice of drink. So any waiters-to-be, next time if you see me, do not... I repeat, do not keep promoting a single drink/food. Yes, recommends are good. Yes opinions are good. But DO NOT "force" a customer to order something just because you recommended it.

So there we were. Waiting. Our drinks came (and I noticed the 'big jug'). The milkshake was not bad (Lai Ching ordered peanut butter milkshake) but not my cup of tea as it was too sweet. Maybe I'd favour a different flavour. I ordered a garlic bread because of the crave I had for it. Which reminded me I was supposed to pay for it and not split the bill. Gah. Lai Ching, owe you RM1.50 ya? Then the pizza came. It was ok but too much tomato paste for my likings. The base was nice though. Very crispy and hard. nd now off to comment about the individual food ordered.

Alisa's came firs so I'll describe hers. She ordered some Americiana Fettucine or something that sounds like that. Anyways, hers came and it looked and smelled pretty good. But the taste was far from the appearance. OMG never have I tasted something like that before. Simply put, it was raw chilli blended and made into a sauce which had a raw taste and it's just yucky. I think even I can cook better than that. So yeah, it was just sucky.

Lai Ching's came next. She ordered some fusilli in white cream and bacon. It came. Smelled damn bloody nice. Looks damn bloody appetizing. The taste? Sucky sial. It tasted butter instead of cream. It was horrible. A little better than Alisa's but no worse off. That, was also a disappointment.

I ordered some grilled chicken breast with mushroom sauce and herbs. How was it? The potato was great to start off. The vege-looking side dish I did not touch obviously. Apparently Alisa and Lai Ching did not like it (cos they tasted it) so it can't be that good. My chicken? Well, the mushroom sauce was OK but since when does mushroom sauce have black pepper???? Bodoh sial. Like first time cooking is it? And I hated the herbs inside the chicken. You see, the waiter (yes, that same one) said the 'twist' of the dish is that there is mashed mushroom and herbs stuffed inside the chicken. Well, guess what? It don't taste that great.

Still, at least I could finish my food. I doubt anyone would want to even try to finish Lai Ching's or Alisa's order. I did something which I felt bad though. When taking away my plate, the waiter (no, this is not the same as that blardy persistent waiter) asked me how was the food. I said, "OK but I don't like the herbs inside." and right there, right then, his expression changed. At the same moment, I thought to myself, "Was I not supposed to say that? Was I supposed to say it's nice?" I felt a little bad and when he left, I turned to look at Lai Ching, hoping for some assurance that what I did was normal. Err... apparently not. >____< I mean it's not wrong for me to do that but I could have been more subtle. I think that was what she was trying to tell me. ^_^;; It just came out of my mouth. I really did not like the sauce. I wondered whether I would say these kinda things last time, when I was a little different. But what's done is done and though I feel bad saying things like that, I find it good in a way so they can try to improve on it maybe? Though highly unlikely for me to experience the 'improved' food cos I doubt I'll be heading there anymore. Lai Ching and Alisa were a lot more subtle on their comments regarding the food.

Wish I had a digicam to bring it with me so I can show how yummilicious it looks like but tastes horrible. Oh, and I hurt somewhere in my mouth (below the tongue but I got no idea how I actually bit on it) when I wanted to try Alisa's order. Dammit still pain till today. T_T So there we have it. My so called review on our little disastrous dinner at Simply 'Sucky' Pasta.

On a side note, wa lau the roasted pork from the two restaurants look so damn yummilicious sial. Dammit I wanna attend weddings. ROFL.

"As long as you're loving me.... I can move mountains, I can part seas, my heart has been opened for eternity, as long as you love me.... oooohhh.... as long as you love me..."